Carbon to Value
Year 2 Cohort
2022 marked Year 2 of the Carbon to Value accelerator program. Down-selection was just as competitive as year one, having received close to 100 applications from across the globe.
With Fluor as Cohort Champion, we welcomed 8 startups to the Year 2 Cohort, representing a wide variety of carbontech technologies, products, and markets. More information on these companies and what they achieved through the program can be found in the C2V Year 2 Cohort book as well as this article highlighting outcomes from Year 2.
Meet the Year 2 Cohort members:
New Orleans, USA
Aluminum Technologies has developed Carbo-Chloride Reduction (CCR) aluminum manufacturing technology, which captures process CO2 and also reduces power consumption relative to conventional methods.
Calgary, Canada
Carbon Upcycling Technologies utilizes point-source CO2 and mineralizes it with waste materials to create supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) that can be used in building materials.
Calgary, Canada
Carbonova Corp utilizes CO2 and methane as a feedstock to produce carbon nanofibers (CNF) that may be used in various fields such as transportation and buildings.
Berlin, Germany
ecoLocked converts waste biomass into biochar to create admixes that can replace a share of the cement used in concrete manufacturing, and thus sequester carbon within buildings.
San Jose, USA
Full Cycle Bioplastics has a patented bacteria-based technology that converts organic waste into Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA), a biopolymer that can be used to replace a wide range of oil-based plastic applications.
Somerville, USA
Lydian develops an electro-thermal reactor technology that converts captured CO2 into fuels and chemicals.
Richland, USA
Molecule Works develops a solid sorbent Direct Air Capture (DAC) system using a novel reactor and contactor configuration.
Boston, USA
Osmoses develops polymers for gas separation, enabling membrane-based carbon capture applications.